Contact Info
(252) 237-4226
6501 US Hwy 264 Alt W, PO Box 161, Sims, NC 27880
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday: 9AM - 5PM*
Friday: 9AM - 6PM*
*Closed for Lunch: 1PM - 2PM, Monday - Friday
Saturday and Sunday: Closed
emergency services
*Dial 911 Wilson County Sheriff’s Dept: Non-Emergency Line (252) 237-2118 Sims Volunteer Fire Department: Non-Emergency Line (252) 243-0680
Town News
Town Events
Monthly Meetings
Meetings are generally held in the Community Center and times are subject to change. Contact Town Hall to verify information.
Commissioners’ Meeting | 6:00pm or 6:30PM (Check Schedule for Time) Second Monday of Month | Click Here for schedule
Planning Meeting | 6:00PM First Tuesday of Month
Land Use Plan- Land Use Regulations Meeting | 6:30PM First Tuesday of Month
Event Committee Meeting | 5:30PM First Thursday of Month
Special events
💡Did you know… that just because your property tax reevaluation went up, doesn’t mean your local tax rate will increase? Many citizens have been worried about the Town of Sims increasing the local tax rate due to the increased property values and Wilson County tax rate. The Sims Board of Commissioners voted to invoke a revenue-neutral tax rate for the 2024-2025 fiscal year.
The revenue-neutral property tax rate is the rate that is estimated to produce revenue for the next fiscal year equal to the revenue that would have been produced for the next fiscal year by the current tax rate if no reappraisal had occurred.
To calculate the revenue-neutral tax rate, the budget officer shall first determine a rate that would produce revenues equal to those produced for the current fiscal year, and then increase the rate by a growth factor equal to the average annual percentage increase in the tax base due to improvements since the last general reappraisal. This growth factor represents the expected percentage increase in the value of the tax base due to improvements during the next fiscal year.
The budget officer shall further adjust the rate to account for any annexation, de-annexation, merger or similar event. Decisions regarding the establishment, computation and implementation of the revenue neutral tax rate are made at the Governing Board level.
The revenue-neutral rate adjusted for growth for the Town of Sims brought local tax down from $.51/$100 to $.35/$100. In an effort to further assist our residents, the Board of Commissioners also voted no to raising any utility rates in the new year.
💡Did you know… that the Town of Sims is a “no solicitation allowed” town? Thats right, town ordinance §62.03 states: It shall be unlawful for any peddler, solicitor, or transient vendor or other seller of merchandise to go in, or on, private residences or the premises thereof, in the town without having been requested or invited to do so by the owner or occupant, for the purpose of advertising, peddling or selling merchandise. Violations of this ordinance shall be a misdemeanor or infraction and may result in severe penalties such as civil fines for each single offense. If you are witness to this type of activity, please reach out to Town Hall or if it is after hours, contact the Wilson County Sheriff’s Department.
💡 Did you know… there are two types of local municipal government? One form of government is the council-manager, where the mayor and council set policy and hire a manager to implement their policies. A manager has specified statutory authority, including hiring and firing of employees.
The Town of Sims, NC operates with the other form known as mayor-council with administrator, where there is not a manager. The mayor and the council, acting together, make decisions about services, revenues and expenditures. All personnel come under the board with this form of government including the administrator who is hired to carry out many of the day-to-day operations.
The mayor-council form is most common with the largest cities or those with fewer than 5,000 people. Compared with many other states, North Carolina has created a very limited role for mayors. Our state laws leave many decisions about the management and operation of municipalities to the governing board. For example, our mayor may only vote in the event of a tie during a Board of Commissioner’s meeting.
Please come back and visit for more fun facts about our town!