The Town of Sims welcomes Eddie Henderson to the Board of Commissioners. Eddie has lived in Sims with his wife and son for over two years. He is a regular volunteer and helped with cleaning up trash along Wall St and Wall Rd, installing a new protective cover on the playground fence, spreading mulch at the playground, and installing rubber mats for the slides and swings.
Eddie has worked in local government parks and recreation for almost 8 years. Some of his accomplishments include being awarded $220,000 for an amphitheater renovation, holding Public Operator Pesticide License, being a certified Plant Professional and is a Certified Playground Safety Inspector. Eddie has over 10 years of experience speaking Spanish conversationally.
Mr. Henderson has experience organizing parks and recs advisory board meetings and reviewing development applications to ensure compliance with Town greenway and bike plans. He currently supervises and coordinates maintenance and custodial work for all parkland and park facilities.
Eddie is going to be a wonderful addition to the Board of Commissioners. Please stop and say hello at our next monthly meeting scheduled for October 14th at 6:30pm.